Outside, it’s pouring rain, and gloomy as the dickens. I have big fuzzy slippers on, and I’m surrounded by books, writing implements, and candles. Today is the kind of day that calls for coziness. I figured, what better moment than now to introduce Cozy Cult.
Hello! I’m Anne Dixon. For the most part, I’m a reader. But I’m also a designer-in-training, a warm beverage drinker, a knitter, a wearer of oversized sweaters, and a blanket hog, among other things.
Cozy Cult has been a sweet little dream steeping away in my head for the last couple of years, and it is basically a result of a year-round obsession with all things cozy. I imagined it being a community to share book and movie loves (or hates), share knitting projects, provide tea recommendations and cozy recipes, talk about ideas for how we can stay cozy consciously and sustainably, and generally just get cozy together.
So, without further ado, let’s get on with the cozy.
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